Sunday, March 2, 2025 There are a few instances where you may want to purchase motorcycle insurance before you have a motorcycle license. If you’re given a motorcycle as a gift, for example, you will want it covered with insurance immediately. You may also have suspended license, but need to maintain insurance on your vehicle. READ MORE >>
Thursday, February 13, 2025 A safe, enjoyable RV trip requires quite a bit of planning in advance. After all, you probably have a reason for taking a trip, but you may also have time or budget constraints that you have to adhere to. We’ve put together some tips to help you get organized when it comes time to plan your next trip. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 13, 2025Can E-Cigarettes Change Your Health and Life Insurance? We are in the beginning stages of deciding if e-cigarettes will affect your health and life insurance premiums, so if you are using e-cigarettes or thinking about it, stay current with insurance news. It isn't a secret that tobacco is physically bad for us. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 13, 20248 Things to Look for When Buying a New Home There's an excitement that comes with buying a new home, but the task also comes with responsibility and big decisions. Do your homework to make sure you're getting a quality house that’s less likely to require costly repairs in the near future. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 12, 2024Farm Insurance for Your High-Valued Livestock Look at any business and you’ll see numerous types of assets. On the farm, a key type of asset you own is your livestock. No matter the type of farm or how you use your livestock, it’s important to recognize how valuable it is and to have the proper type and amount of business insurance in place to safeguard it. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 15, 2024The Effects of Technology on Your Health It’s easy to use voice activation to set calendar reminders. It’s relaxing to veg out on the couch while streaming Netflix. But the hours of screen time in today’s technologically-driven world can have some negative effects on your health if you’re not careful. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 27, 2024The goal of a farm is to meet consumer needs. Crops, livestock and various other agricultural products do more than just feed people. They also serve as supplements for manufacturing and technology. If you own a farm, you know that stable production is a key to a successful business. READ MORE >>
Monday, November 27, 2023Buying a new home is exciting, but it’s also inevitably expensive. Between down payments, loans, bank fees, moving services and new furniture, you will likely spend thousands of dollars just to move in. One of the expenses that new homeowners often overlook, however, is homeowners insurance. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 26, 2023What many renters don’t know about renters insurance is how inexpensive it is. In fact, it’s one of the most inexpensive insurance policies available, especially if you take advantage of savings and discount options. Let’s look at a few ways you can cut back the cost even more and still get the valuable protection you need to safeguard your belongings. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 14, 2023Does your home insurance extend to cover your new boat as well? In most cases, it is best to have a stand-alone boat insurance policy. Here are some considerations for you to discuss with your independent agent. Check the Size and Horsepower READ MORE >>
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